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Happiness is the best reward when fulfilling your target persona’s needs

Updated: 5 days ago

(When) glocled gets philosophical…

For the occasion of this Monday´s International Happy day, the topic today is about happiness and businesses. Even if being happy can be a feeling shared by everyone, the definition is pretty much subjective. Through the prism of cultures, happiness isn’t the same everywhere… But this could be another whole topic by itself.

This is why we’re using this definition for now: “Happiness is generally defined as a mental or emotional state of well-being, characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy (Sundriyal and Kumar, 2014).”*

But why talking about happiness and what is its link with doing business?

First, we have to understand why businesses do exist. And there can be many reasons to create businesses. But what are we really creating those for?

Let’s take the business from its roots. At the end of the day, the goal is to fulfill a specific need or social purpose of a society. The need is in the center of the business. Because if there is no need, there is no demand, and with no demand, you cannot build a business. You can’t sell products or services if no one wants them! (Except if you create new needs, with innovations ie)

The need is then a necessity for a business to exist.

And happiness in all that?

Fulfilling a need usually has a positive effect and can bring joy. As a simple example: you are in the middle of the desert and you are thirsty. You NEED water, and for sure you will be more than happy to drink until you are fully hydrated!

It is the same business-wise. An ice-cream vendor selling its refreshing ice-creams during summer has a purpose, to fulfill a need. He is bringing some happiness and at the same time answering to its customers' needs: eating a good ice cream and cooling down from the summer’s heat.

So, knowing what your target persona deeply needs is essential, and bringing happiness is the best reward you can have. Happy customers are loyal customers. But not only. They can even help your company by promoting it by word of mouth!

To conclude, the best way to get closer with your customers is to socially connect with them. Being sure you know what they need and what they like is key.

That is why at glocled I propose my help to efficiently connect your brand to communities globally, and I am more than happy to offer you a solution to your needs ;)



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